Category By Occasion

Confirmation Cards That Aren’t BORING

Selection of confirmation cards in a store display rack.

People seek out Confirmation cards because they don’t know what to say, or are not artistic themselves. Good news! There are waaaay better options out there than most of those old, tired and uninspiring Confirmation cards! If you are struggling…

Confirmation Cake Ideas

Confirmation cake with purple sprinkles and outline of a cross.

Ya gotta have a Confirmation cake! The Confirmation cake is a standard tradition in many families. It’s part of a celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation (for Catholics) and a rite that marks the passage from childhood to youth for…

BIG List of Confirmation Gift Ideas

Teen boy and his Confirmation sponsor.

Confirmation is an “event” in the Catholic and Lutheran faiths where a young adult re-affirms their baptism promises to live in their faith. That is the simplified version. I’m not here to break down the Catholic sacrament or the Lutheran…

Heart-felt Mother’s Day Tributes

Pink roses with pink gift tag that reads "Happy Mother's Day."

Mother’s Day is the time to honor your mom. It’s not so much about physical gifts, but a sincere “thank you” for all the things she does for you. Sometimes these words don’t come easy! In true GGS fashion, we…